The below listed call numbers were identified from the Dewey Decimal Classification.
Painting, building | 698.1 |
Fine & decorative arts | 700 |
Artist | 700.92 |
Art, color palette | 701.85 |
Art, collage | 702.81 |
Art, inspirational | 704 |
Art, nature | 704.943 |
Art, profession | 706 |
Art, inspirational | 707 |
Galleries & museums | 708 |
Historical, geographic, & persons' treatment | 709 |
Art, decoration | 709.040 |
Drawing & decorative art | 740 741 |
Perspective | 742 |
Painting, decoration | 745.723 |
Painting | 746.6 |
Interior decoration & painting | 747 |
Painting, glass art | 748.5 |
Painting | 750 |
Art, processes & techniques | 751 |
Genre paintings | 754 |
Art, figures & features | 757 758 |
Art, processes & techniques | 759 769.5 |
RSS Feed - Art