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Legal Resources: Legal Forms

Describes the legal resources available to patrons of the Springdale Public Library

Printable Forms @SPL

The Library offers a variety of Legal Form books for you to print or copy. Some are available in the reference collection and some can be checked out for use at home. Books in the NOLO series typically come with a CD-ROM of forms that can be filled out and printed from your home computer or from a library computer. Ask at the Reference Desk if you need any assistance with printing or copying forms.

Online Forms

When choosing forms from the open web, be sure to choose a reputable website and check forms for currency. If you need forms for court, you cannot typically use generic forms. Consult with an attorney if you are unsure which forms to use. The sites below offer some legal forms. The best site for forms specific to the state of Arkansas is from the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership, which is the first one listed below.

Reference Librarian

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Claudia Driver
405 S Pleasant St
Springdale, AR 72764